Thursday, July 5, 2007

Birthday Blues

Missed my entry yesterday, sorry everyone. It was my birthday, but it was a long and miserable day actually - mostly because of stress at work, but i think all the added frustrations of no luggage, new environment, etc. finally got to me. Anyways, all is well now, and you can see my first article - thanks to the help of the editor who fixed it up quite a bit - at There are no bylines, only initials at the bottom. "ha" is pretty representative of me I suppose. No big news today, other than malnutrition in Chad of course, which is what I spent the day researching. Hoping to have some "yassa poulet" tonight... another traditional Senegalese meal... and hoping my luggage will come. There's a British Airways flight tonight, so cross your fingers. Oh... it rained yesterday... but just nice light rain and only briefly. And I bought some flip flops for $1 so I can stop wearing my smelly socks. Still haven't figured out how to post pictures to this thing, so bear with me. This is the most unfocused blog entry ever!

1 comment:

Assistant to Mr. Johnston said...

Happy Birthday!

Your article is great - and I'm sure that's not just the editor. You're covering really heavy stuff so I can imagine its very challenging. But it's important work, so keep it up!